Scout's scrapbook

Free guidebook

Coloring pages


About Scout and Emily


Route 66 coloring pages

Emily likes to draw. She drew a bunch of pictures for you to color. If you would like to color them, ask your mommy or daddy to click on the links below to download the pictures, and then you can print them out and color them. Emily says they are PDF files. I don't know what that means, but Emily says it means you can print them from any computer. She says if you can't open the files, you should go to and download the latest Acrobat reader for free.

There are a lot of pictures of things in Tulsa because Emily drew them for the Route 66 festival we had here in 2004.

Gemini Giant

Our Lady of the Highways

Scout at Ted Drewes

John's Modern Cabins


Blue Whale

Blue Dome

Meadow Gold sign

11th Street Bridge

Phillips 66 station


Big Texan

La Cita

La Bajada Hill


Jack Rabbit Trading Post

Oatman burros

Bono's Historic Orange

All materials on this site copyright 2001-2016 Emily Priddy, except where otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.